An effective badger cull will reduce the number of TB reactors,
currently 30,000 a year and rising, and will also cut the number
of parishes subject to one and two year TB testing.
So says the National Beef Association which is confident that
culling over wide TB hot spot areas will produce positive long
term benefits.
“Defra is at last being pushed into active consideration
of intensive and extensive badger culling as the mainstay of a
long overdue TB reduction and eradication programme ,” explained
NBA chairman Duff Burrell .
“It is within millimeters of accepting that badgers must
be culled in the areas where TB is most intensive.
“Cattle owners in hot spot areas would be among the first
direct beneficiaries of a successful cull because there would be
fewer positive reactors and the number of one and two year testing
parishes would also reduce.”
Invited For New GB Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) Stakeholder Body
Lacks Leadership On Bovine TB
measures too little, too late
years going no-where with the TB Forum