NFU Scotland and Scottish Quality Cereals are inviting farmers, crofters and
growers to a jointly run seminar on the Voluntary Initiative, which takes place
on 21 February, at St Johnstone FC, McDiarmid Park, Perth. The seminar will
look at where the Voluntary Initiative has come from, where it is now and where
it is going. By attending the seminar, delegates will be eligible for NRoSO
Professional Development Points.
Scott Walker, Policy Director, NFU Scotland, said:
"Activity in Scotland on the 5-year voluntary initiative has progressed
well and a lot has been achieved over the past 5 years. Looking forward, subject
to the Government's continued agreement that such an approach is better than
a tax, a new VI post March 2006 is being discussed.
"By its successful launch of the Voluntary Initiative, the industry has
so far been able to persuade Government that is has taken its own steps to
strengthen public confidence in the safety of modern food production. If we
are to ensure that no pesticide tax is introduced and that the industry is
left to self regulate we need to continue the work of the VI.
"Speakers at the seminar will be reviewing progress on the VI and discussing
other issues such as the new waste rules that came into effect at the start
of the year. Some places are still available for the seminar, which starts
at 10.00am and goes on to 2.00pm. Places can be reserved by calling NFUS on
0131 472 4000."
Seminar Programme .
- 9.30 - 10.00 Arrival, coffee .
- 10.00 - 10.15 Chairman's
introduction .
- 10.15 -11.00 The Voluntary Initiative - where we have come
from, where we are now and where we are going after March 2006 .
- 11.00 -
11.30 What it has meant to me to be a VI Indicator Farmer .
- 11.30 - 12.00
The new waste regulations .
- 12.00 - 12.30 NRoSO - a progress report .
- 12.30
- 12.45 SQC and the Voluntary Initiative .
- 12.45 - 1.00 Summary and open
forum discussion .
- 1.00 - 2.00 Buffet lunch then disperse
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