Flat rate Single Payment figures for England for 2005
released by Defra last week confirm the folly of splitting farmed
land into two separate payment bands and also show that the construction
of three bands, Lowland, SDA and Moorland was unnecessary.
So says the National Beef Association which in February-April
2004 campaigned to persuade Defra to use the Moorland Line, not
the SDA line, to divide England into just two payment zones but
in the end was forced to accept the division of England into three
zones using both the SDA line and the Moorland Line as boundaries.
“The NBA and its allies, which included the RSPB, RABDF
and CAAV, argued that it made no sense whatsoever to use the SDA
line to divide England into payment zones because there was too
much heavily stocked, and cultivated, farmed land between it and
moorland boundaries,” explained NBA chief executive, Robert
Forster .
“We proposed that the Moorland Line, which was the obvious
marker, should be used to indicate the end of farmed land and prevent
vast overpayments on moorland that had carried very little stock.”
“However debate at the time was very much slanted by the
thought that farmers in the lowland region below the SDA line would
eventually receive £210-£230 per ha in flat rate payment
in 2012 compared with an estimate of only £110-£130
in the non- moorland SDA zone and this persuaded lowland farmers
in other organisations to close ranks and shut out the SDA case.”
But according to the NBA the official figures for 2012 demonstrate
conclusively that this was a mistake and the case for just two
zones, using the Moorland Line as the boundary, was overwhelmingly
“Flat rate SP figures for 2012 of £191 per ha for
lowland and £160 per ha for SDA confirm that fears of thinly
stocked upland farms diverting heavy tranches of SP of heavily
stocked lowland farms were unjustified,” said Mr Forster.
“Furthermore the very low payment of just £23 for
land beyond the Moorland Line clearly shows that it was the obvious
choice for a two zone boundary and that the creation of three zones
is an unnecessary complication.”
“ However figures for all three zones confirm just how
hard it will be for beef farmers in all regions to either increase
income, or reduce costs, so they can make up the difference between
their decidedly modest SP and previous heavy coupled subsidy payments.”
Farm Payments Must Remain Top Priority
Existing Coastal Access
Public Goods From Private Land - Why Nature Needs Farming