On 2nd February 2007 at the 6th
European Open Holstein Show held in Montichiari, Italy a UK bred Holstein was exhibited and
won in flamboyant style.
WYNDFORD S STORM REBECCA bred by Wilfred Maddocks, Chadwell
Grange, Newport, Shropshire, managed by Ben Yates won the Senior
Yearling class and finished 2nd Reserve Champion. Judge Brian Carscadden
from Ontario Canada in his reasons commented: “…this
is what the Holstein Breed is all about, being the youngest heifer
in the class she gives nothing away in size excels in style and
power, and moves on one of the best set of legs and feet I have
ever seen on a yearling.”
Storm Rebecca was the first Pedigree Holstein to be exported
after the export ban was lifted last year. She was sold at the
Ex Factor Sale managed by Harrison & Hetherington for 4500gns
to Mr Quim Serrabassa, Vic, Barcelona and Mr Miren Aradeo, Gatika
Vizcaya, Spain.
Auctioneer Glyn Lucas who managed the Ex
Factor Sale travelled
to Italy to show the heifer for her new owners said: “this
is a fantastic achievement for her new owners and for British
Breeding. New markets are opening every day and this result will
only help our image in a very positive way, we will be running
the Ex Factor Sale again this year on the 15th June and already
have enormous interest from mainland Europe.”
The show was attended by farmers from all over Europe, with
Holsteins being exhibited from Italy, Spain, France, Germany,
Holland and Belgium. Two Hundred Sixty Holsteins were shown,
AL-PE DORIAN was Grand Champion coming from famous breeders All.
Beltramino Italy. The cow was in her fifth lactation and also
won the same show last year as well as the Italian National show
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