Peter Stovold, 53, a trustee of the Royal Agricultural Society of
England (RASE) and a Surrey farmer with interests in beef, sheep,
cereals, horses and farm diversification, has been appointed to the
new post of executive show director to stage the Royal Show this
Peter Stovold
The society’s chairman, Thomas Wheatley-Hubbard says the appointment
of an executive director charged with planning and staging the 2007
event is a logical development following changes to the society’s
show management structure.
“The new executive director will now manage the team staging
the 2007 show, and during the event will work alongside the honorary
show director and the 400-odd stewards and other volunteers without
whom this iconic show simply would not take place.
“The appointment of a director with a proven track record
both in the show ring and as a steward and official at the Surrey
County Show and the Royal Show is a major fillip for the society’s
show and conference programme,” says Mr Wheatley-Hubbard. “I’m
delighted that Peter Stovold offered his services and that the board
of trustees appointed him. He has very many years of involvement
with the RASE, NFU and CLA at national and county levels, as well
as with the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, the Game
Conservancy Trust and other farming and rurally-connected organisations.”
Prof John Moverley, chief executive of the RASE, emphasised the
need for the society to stay loyal to its purpose and to facilitate
dissemination of best practice through shows and other means.
“Since the early 1880s, the society has played a leading role
in the development of British agriculture and a vibrant rural economy
through the uptake of good science and the promotion of best practice.
Not least in achieving these goals has been the staging of the Royal,
the international showcase for agriculture, the countryside and rural
life, bringing the farming industry and rural community together.”
The Royal Show take place from 1-4 July 2007 at Stoneleigh Park,
near Kenilworth in Warwickshire. It is organised and presented by
the Royal Agricultural Society of England. To find out more and book
tickets online visit the website at www.royalshow.org.uk.
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