Early indications are that the UK lamb crop is up this season
with preliminary scan results showing a good proportion of twin
and triplet lambs. “But triplet lambs are not always good
news, particularly when producers are looking to finish lambs
as quickly as possible and in batches of consistent weight and
quality,” says ruminant manager Norman Downey from SCA
Norman Downey from SCA NuTec
“One of the main dilemmas with triplets – or with
twins where the ewe is not producing sufficient milk to support
two lambs – is whether to leave them all on the ewe and
risk all two or three lambs falling short of their potential.
“The options of cross-fostering and bottle feeding are
time consuming and hassle, especially when labour resources are
already stretched. And neither allow the lamb to achieve its
growth potential.”
One system of rearing orphan lambs that has proved its worth
is an automated feeding system combining a feeder and a carefully
balanced milk replacer. In farm trials SCA NuTec's Shepherdess
orphan lamb feeding system has show consistently that lambs perform
as well as those reared on a healthy ewe and there are many cases
where these lambs sell at the same time and weight and attract
similar prices to singles reared on the ewe.
Trial results with two groups of Texel cross lambs showed that
those reared on the Shepherdess system achieved growth rates
15% higher than the control group reared on the automatic feeder
and alternative milk replacer. The Shepherdess lambs were 3kg
heavier at 12 weeks old and reached slaughter weight two weeks
sooner than the control group.
“The reasons behind the success of our Shepherdess system
are that the feeder mimics the ewe and lambs can feed in a similar
way, taking lots of small meals or fewer larger meals as they
please,” adds Mr Downy. “They have an ad-lib supply
of warm milk, specially designed with all the necessary energy
and protein plus the NuStart gut-conditioning package for growth
with the minimum of setbacks.”
One feeder feeds up to 20 lambs and requires just 15 minutes
twice a day to replenish milk supplies and clean the pipes.
“Even with the rearing costs taken off, there is generally
a reasonable margin for a high quality lamb reared on a good
automatic lamb feeding system.”
Chief Vet at Welsh Sheep 2007
NSA North Sheep 2007: a seminar schedule to inform and inspire
NSA North Sheep 2007 announces sponsor