The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 80 prime cattle, 46 OTM cattle, 5,069 prime lambs and 6,221 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 21st August, 2008.
Clean cattle were a poorer show for quality. Top price of 178.5p for Limousin heifers from Messrs Ritson, Swaites and purchased by Messrs Malone, Edinburgh, others to 170.5p South Lambhill; Belgian Blue 173.5p J. Retson & Son, Gardrum to Messrs Nattrass, Butcher, Carlisle; Galloway 160.5p G. & M.P. Forrester, Skitby to W. Kirkup, Butcher, Longtown; Charolais 167.5p E. & A. Graham, Upper Mains. Limousin bullocks from Messrs Ritson, Swaites to 174.5p to Messrs Malone, others 172.5p Sceughdyke; Charolais 171.5p Messrs R. Neill, Upper Tinwald.
OTM cattle again met good rates with well fleshed sorts short of requirements. Limousin cows to 137.5p, 126.5p, 125.5p (x2), 124.5p and 123.5p from Barnshangan, 120.5p Blindhillbush; Charolais 120.5p Sceughdyke, 119.5p Burnside, 116.5p Cambeck Hill. Limousin bullocks to 116.5p Blackhouse. Limousin heifers to 111.5p Woodhall. Charolais cows £1,030 Sceughdyke; Simmental £984 Grayrigg; Limousin £942 Barnshangan; Holstein £854 Smalmstown; Angus £760 Sceughdyke; Belgian Blue £743 Swaites. Limousin heifers £880 Woodhall. Angus bulls to £843 Howend.
A larger show of 5,070 prime lambs saw all the usual buyers ensure a good trade throughout, especially for well fleshed lambs. The sale was topped at £68.50 per head for Suffolk lambs from Stackbraes and to 150.5p per kilo for Beltex lambs from Nunscleugh. Overall sale average of 128.8p per kilo. Suffolk £68.50 Stackbraes, £64.80 Shieling Moss, £59.80 Wallend, £59.20 Kirkhouse; Texel £67 Kirkton, £65.20 Shieling Moss, £64.20 Barnglies; Bleu d’Maine £58.50 Borthwickshiels; Beltex £57.80 Wallholm, £55.80 West Millhills; Charollais £57.80, £55.20 Pates Hill; Greyface £54.20 Spoutbank, £52.50 Tushielaw, £52.20 Mossband House; Leicester £51.80 Nunscleugh; Cheviot Mule £50.80 Granton; Rouge £50.20 Walton Woodhead; Blackface £47.80 Ellenbank, £46.80 Allensgreen, £43.80 Crindledyke; Cheviot £46.20 Tushielaw;
Light lambs were another large show again, with the well fleshed types in demand. Beltex £47.80 West Millhills; Greyface £47.20 The Mark, £40.80 Redhouse; Texel £47.20 Blacksmiths Cottage, £45.50 Crawfordjohn Mill, £44.80 Wolfhills; Suffolk £46.20 Commonside, £45.20 Cowcorse; Cheviot £43.20 Kilbride; Blackface £42.80 Peela Hill, £39.80 Crindledykes, £38.20 Beechcroft; Charollais £42 Culquhasen; Cheviot Mule £41.80 Dinley; Swaledale £37.20 Batey Shield.
The 6,221 cast ewes and rams were another large entry. Buyers came out stronger and as a result all classes were dearer on the week. Top of £80 for heavy Texel ewes from Winterhope, others £76.50 Pirntaton, £75 Old Walls; Suffolk cross £70.50 Smallholms; Charollais £70 Ballyclare, £65.50 Roadside; Suffolk £70 Durran Mains; Beltex £70 Roadside; Rouge £65.50 Roadside; North Country Cheviot £65.50 Dunnan Mains; Bleu d’Maine £55.50 Ormiston Lodge; Cheviot Mule £54.50 East Mains; Greyface £54 Kilnhill, £50 Spittal Farm. Hill ewes to £48.50 for Cheviots from Inglewood Edge, £43.50 Greenside; Blackface £31.50 Loneyester, £30.50 Carwath and Culquhasen; Swaledale £31.50 Gapshield. Rams to £71.50 for a Texel from Derwent House, £70 East Mains; Beltex £70 East Mains; Charollais £70 Newry; Suffolk £62.50 Pirntaton; Leicester £56.50 Morley Hill; Blackface £36.50 Pirntaton; Lleyn £84 Newry.
Light to 135.5p (135.5p)
Medium to 174.5p (157.0p)
Heavy to 172.5p (152.8p)
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 164.5p (144.6p)
Heavy to 178.5p (149.1p)
Young Beef Bulls to -------p (-------p)
Light to 136.7p (122.7p)
Standard to 150.5p (127.9p)
Medium to 150.9p (129.5p)
Heavy to 135.0p (126.3p)
O/Weight 120.1p (120.1p)
Light to £48.50 (£21.07)
Heavy to £80.00 (£41.66)
Cast Rams £71.50 (£41.99)
Primestock Sale - 14th August 2008
Longtown Primestock Sale - 7th August 2008
Primestock Sale - 31st July 2008