Cattle handling clinics by international expert, Miriam Parker will be one of the many new attractions for livestock farmers visiting the first English Winter Fair at Stafford next month (15-16 November).
Livestock farmers will have opportunities for one to one discussions with Miriam about practical handling issues on their farms throughout the show.
Four specialist companies are providing cattle crushes, weighbridges, races and other handling equipment to show just what is needed for safe and efficient cattle handling on the farm.
The clinics are part of the Defra funded EBLEX Better Returns West Midlands programme. Dr Phil Hadley, EBLEX Regional Manager says: 'With more and more livestock farms run with just family labour, and the increasing need to handle cattle for routine health checks, good facilities are more important than ever."
A new EBLEX manual on cattle handling will be available at the clinics and there is also a wealth of information on the subject at www.eblex.org.uk
download voucher here (170k)
Timetable for the weekend show is -
Saturday November 15
8.30am Judging of livestock commences
9.00am Event opens to public
11.00am Cookery demonstrations begin
2.00pm Women in Rural Enterprise presentation
7.30pm Herdsman's’ Supper
Sunday 16 November
9.30am Baby beef judging starts / show opens
9.30am YFC competitions start
11.00am Butchers products competition
12 noon (approx) Supreme champion announced
2.00pm Auction of poultry and carcasses
2.30pm Sale of live pigs
3.00pm Auction of live sheep
3.45pm Auction of live cattle
4.00pm Sale of supreme champion
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