The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 102 prime cattle, 2 young bulls, 54 OTM, 4,793 prime hogg's and 3,896 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 22nd January, 2009.
The prime cattle saw all classes cheaper on the week. Top price of 188.5p for a Limousin bullock from JC & D Nicholson & Son, The Gill to W Kirkup, Butcher, Longtown; Belgian Blues to 179.5p from Houghton House to Messrs Jewitt. Limousin heifers to 180.5p from Hallburn.
Another good show of OTM again sold to a full ring of buyers and all classes maintained late extreme rates. Blonde cows to 139.5p The Bogg; Belgian Blues 137.5p Albierigg, 129.5p No 6 Stonehouse & Snab, 127.5p Low Peniver, 125.5p Plumpe; Limousin 137.5p No 6 Stonehouse, 125.5p Albierigg & Moorhills; Angus 128.5p Low Peniver; Black & White Cows to 119.5p Becton Hall, 118.5p Roanstree; Devon x 111.5p Cottage Farm; Welsh Black 109.5p Shankbridgend; Shorthorns 107.5p Albierigg, Luing heifers 113.5p Arkleton; Belgian Blue cows £1023 Snab; Limousin cows £1017 No 6 Stonehouse; Shorthorn cows £984 Minsca; Angus £963 Low Peniver; Black & White cows £908 High Plains.
The hoggs sold to a large ring of buyers, all keen for sheep. The best trade of the year so far was had and hoggs were short of buyers requirements. The 2900 hoggs over 36 kilos averaged 169.4p whilst the 1893 under 36 kilos averaged 151.5p. The overall sale average was 163.5p. The main highlight of the day was the brisk trade achieved for Mule hoggs. Many Mules sold between £75 and £84 topping at £83.80 from Messrs Wallace, Farneyshield. The sale was topped at £100 for Suffolks from Messrs Walker, Balcraigmoor and to 203p for Texels from R McConnell, Gass. Other Suffolks to £98.60 Newton, £93.80. £91.80 Kilnfordcroft, £90.20 Sceughdyke; Cheviots £84.50 Philiphaugh Estate, £79.80 Raeburnfoot, £74.80 Philiphaugh Estate; Texels £95.80 Barnglies, £95.50 Philiphaugh Estate, £92.50 Stackbraes, £91.50 Old Wall; Charollais £83.20 Sceughdyke & Mosside, £82.80 Mosside; Greyfaces £83.80 Farneyshield, £78.50 Tinnis Hall, £75.80 Castle Nook; Cheviot Mules £79.80 High Stenries; Leicesters £64.50 Kirkwood Farms; Blackface £73.20 Cramalt, £71.50 Meggethead, £70.50 Clonrae; North Country Cheviot £76.80, £74.80 Langberrick; Swaledales £57.80, Street Head, 53.80 Westburnhope; Herdwicks £61.50 Brydekirk Mains; Beltex £74.80 Old Walls, £72.80 Nunscleugh; Lleyns £69.20 The Mark, £67.50 Priorsford, Kendal Roughs £74.50 Stackbraes; Zwartbles £94.50 Newton, £70 Mossband House.
Lightweight lambs to £64.80 for Texels from Glengolly, £63.80 Gass, £58.80 Nunscleugh; Suffolks £60.80 Kirkwood Farms, £54.80 Archerbeck & Kirkwood Farms; Cheviots £53.20 Bloch & Chapel, £52.20 Murtholm; Charollais £59.20 Kirkwood Farms, Greyface £59.80 Arnicle, £53.20 Castle Nook, £52.80 Dippen; Blackface £60.80 Sorbie, £59.20 Arnicle, £56.80 Glenshanna; North Country Cheviots £57.20 Glengolly, £54.20 Dinley; Swaledales £53.20 Gibbs Hill, £49.50 Newbiggin; Beltex £57.20 Nunscleugh.
A smaller show of ewes saw a full ring of buyers which ensured trade was £4-£5 sharper on the week, especially for big ewes. The sale was topped at £100 for Texels from Stackbraes, £85.50 Winterhope, £82.50 Stackbraes, £80 Glenshanna; Suffolk cross £82.50 The Vicarage, £78.50 Hassendean, £73.50 Hassendean; Suffolks £94.50, £92.50 Kilnfordcroft, £86.50 Becks; Charollais £56.50 The Vicarage, £52.50 Stackbraes; Halfbred £72.50 The Vicarage, £66.50 Whins, £65.50 The Vicarage; Greyface £67.50 Demense, £65.50 Balcraig Moor, £64.50 The Vicarage; Cheviot Mules £68.50 Mosshead, £65.50 Clackmae; Leicesters £75.50 Stackbraes, £67.50 Kildaloig, £64.50 Arnicle; North Country Cheviots £75.50 Thruster Mains, £70.50 Wickend, £70.50 Thurster Mains; Beltex £50.50 Mossband House; LLeyns £60.50 Lustruther; Dorsets £58.50 Cottage, £57.50 Stackbraes.
Light ewes to £50.50 for Cheviots from Cara View, £48.50 Corries Mill, £47.50 Allfornaught; Blackfaces £45.50 Highglentriplock, £44.50 Westhottbank & East Mains; Swaledales £39.50 Eastcragside, £37.50 Randalholme; Kendal Roughs £48.50 Cleuchhead.
Rams to £84.50 for Texels from East Mains, £76.50 Tofts of Tain, £72.50 Willimoteswick; Suffolks £78.50 Kilnfordcroft, £66.50 Borthaugh; Cheviots £64.50 Chapel, £63.50 Stackbraes; Bleu de Maine £56.50 Henrys Hill; Leicesters £71.50 Randalholm, £70.50 Hartside, £68.50 East Mains; Blackface £57.50 Hartside, £54.50 Cleughhead, £52.50 East Mains; North Country Cheviot £72.50, £60.50 Tister; Swaledale £40.50 Randalholme; Beltex £54.50 Mosshead; Lleyns £76.50 Highglentriplock.
Light to ------p (-------p)
Medium to 174.5p (157.7p)
Heavy to 188.5p (160.9p)
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 168.5p (151.4p)
Heavy to 180.5p (149.3p)
Young Beef Bulls to 152.5p (148.3p)
Light to 172.0p (144.8p)
Standard to 192.0p (163.7p)
Medium to 203.0p (171.9p)
Heavy to 199.0p (165.9p)
O/Weight ------p (-------p)
Light to £50.50 (£35.68)
Heavy to £100.00 (£53.10)
Cast Rams to £84.50 (£49.92)
Longtown Primestock Sale - 15th January 2009
Longtown Primestock Sale - 8th January 2009
Longtown Primestock Sale - 30th December 2008