Two new high type and high component sires are leading a new line-up from Dairy Daughters, the first of which is already being snapped up in the UK and internationally as a sire of sons.
Lesmar Alexander Frolic
The bull is Golden-Oaks St Alexander, a US-bred and tested son of Comestar Stormatic out of the famous Neu-Way Patron Allie, and despite the appeal of his high components proof (23.8kg (+0.07%) fat and 11.3kg (-0.05%) protein) together with sound milk production at 483kg, it is his daughters' outstanding and showy conformation which is really attracting attention.
His US type score of 3.37 converts to a Type Merit of 2.6 in the UK, but it is when this score is broken down that it is clear where this bull's strengths lie.
With near-perfect leg set, both from a side and rear view, and above average foot angle, it is little surprise that his daughters show exceptional locomotion.
"Although he is attracting attention as a show type, Alexander also has everything the commercial farmer needs," says Alison Lovell from Dairy Daughters. "They will like his deep-bodied and open-ribbed daughters and in particular they will like their high, wide and well-attached rear udders."
Alexander has a Profitable Lifetime Index (PLI) of £116.
Quasimo daughter
The second high type, high components bull the company has taken on this month is the Boss Iron son, Cagni Iron Quasimo. Out of an EX90 Skywalker daughter, Lepretta, which has produced over 70,000kg to date in seven lactations, this bull has positive scores for both percentage fat and protein and is one of the leading sires for udder attachment in his native Italy.
With a fore udder attachment score which converts to 3.34 in the UK together with an outstanding score for daughter fertility and a good index for somatic cell count, this bull's daughters have all the hallmarks of longevity. His lifespan score is correspondingly high, and he is expected to have widespread appeal amongst the many farmers today who are seeking to improve health, fertility, fitness and herdlife.
Quasimo has a PLI of £140.
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Large Herd Breeding Power
Sons of O-Bee Manfred Justice from Dairy Daughters