All dairy farmers will have the opportunity to visit one of the UK’s leading herds at a summer open day jointly organised by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers and National Milk Records on Tuesday 2 June when Nick Cobb and his family, current holders of the RABDF NMR Gold Cup, open their gates at Northground Dairy, West Chaldon Farm, West Chaldon, Dorchester.
The West Chaldon Farm team: Dawn Talbot, Nick Cobb, Ian Belt, Geoff Banyard, Paul Crocker
Visitors will be able to learn more about the detailed management that is applied to the award winning 750 pedigree cow Chalclyffe Holstein herd, which last year averaged 11,687 litres at 4.05% butterfat and 3.11% protein. “Team work, training, motivation and communication between our team of staff are key to the business,” says Nick Cobb.
RABDF chairman, Lyndon Edwards who also chaired the Gold Cup judges will explain why a successful dairy enterprise needs to pay attention to detail and implement a focused team approach. The farm’s consultant, Mike Bray, Kite Consulting will discuss large herd management using standard operating procedures. Vet, Mark Burnell from the Southfield Veterinary Centre will explain the herd’s health and fertility management while NMR’s Jonathan Davies will offer more information on the company’s disease testing services.
In addition to walking the unit and visiting the nearby calf rearing unit, visitors will be able to meet the farm’s suppliers who are supporting the open day along with Dairy Crest, the event’s principal sponsor.
RABDF’s chief executive, Nick Everington comments: “The open day offers a tremendous opportunity for all producers, regardless of their herd size, to find out more about how this very practical dairy farming family and their integrated team are succeeding. They will also be able to learn how a finely tuned balance of genetics plus nutrition combined with sound business and technical management are an integral part of operating an efficient and profitable herd.”
All visitors must register with RABDF’s Laura Dickinson to receive directions and book a complementary lunch on 0845 4582711 or email lauradickinson@rabdf.co.uk
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