Lord Rooker was elected president of the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers at its annual meeting in London. He succeeds Baroness Hazel Byford who steps down after two years in the position and was elected an Association vice president.
Baroness Byford hands over the RABDF presidency to Lord Rooker
Jeff Rooker brings a comprehensive wealth of knowledge and experience to the organisation. He is Defra’s immediate past Minister of State for Sustainable Food and Farming and Animal Health, while his first government post was Minister for Food Safety and Animal Health, before being appointed to direct rule Minister for Northern Ireland with responsibility for agriculture.
“I am delighted to be elected RABDF president,” he said. “During my term of office I plan to contribute towards achieving a fairer return for dairy farmers and do whatever I can to reverse the downward trend in milk production which is of real concern.”
“We are looking forward to Jeff’s input,” said RABDF chief executive, Nick Everington. “His keen interest in the dairy sector combined with enthusiasm for grass roots farming and keen interest in current issues impacting on dairy producers’ livelihoods will help drive forward the organisation strategically and benefit all farming businesses.” He added: “Farmers will have the opportunity to meet and talk with him at the forthcoming Dairy Event and Livestock Show on 16 and 17 September.”
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