Skitby Farm was sold by auction within the Memorial Hall in Longtown, near Carlisle in Five Lots at 2pm on Friday 29th May 2009 in front of a large audience.
Total sale price for the farm was thus £1,316,000
Lots 1 and 2 were also offered for sale together.
Lot 1 comprised an attractively situated four bedroom farmhouse of real character but in need of upgrading together with a large range of well maintained traditional stone and slate buildings, some very useful more modern storage and livestock buildings and adjoining grassland extending to about 41.57 acres (16.82 hectares) in all. Offers for this Lot opened at £600,000 and quickly rose to £725,000 before being set aside in favour of the highest bidder.
Lot 2 comprised a very useful area of grassland lying across the public road from Lot 1 and extending to 56.78 acres (22.98 hectares) in area. The opening offer for this Lot was £200,000 and bids quickly increased to £260,000 before being set aside in favour of the highest bidder.
Lots 1 and 2 were then offered for sale together when bidding opened at £1,000,000 and eventually rose to £1,120,000 (£11,388 an acre) when it was sold to a local accountant acting on behalf of clients.
Lot 3 comprised a 4.62 acre (1.87 hectare) field on the edge of the village of Smithfield and bidding for this Lot opened at £30,000 and quickly rose to £101,000 (£21,861 an acre) when it was sold to a neighbouring house owner.
Lot 4 comprised a small field extending to 5.02 acres (2.03 hectares) and bidding for this Lot opened at £15,000 and quickly rose to £35,000 (£6,972 an acre) when it was again sold to a local accountant acting for a client.
Lot 5 comprised another small field extending to 7.98 acres (3.23 hectares) in area and bidding for this Lot opened at £30,000 and quickly rose to £60,000 (£7,518 an acre) when again it was sold to a local accountant acting for a client.
The total sale price for the farm was thus £1,316,000 (£11,348 an acre).
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