Breeding company Cogent has taken the unusual step of sexing semen from one of its most popular young sires in order to satisfy an exceptional demand.
Wiilsbro Razzle Red's dam, Rockset Faber Rachel EX92
The young red and white Holstein sire, Willsbro Red Razzle, was a sell-out within days of being launched for progeny testing this summer, as red and white breeders in particular were keen to acquire bloodlines from his outstanding pedigree.
Razzle is a son of Dudoc Mr Burns and his dam is the remarkable Rockset Faber Rachel EX92, a cow which gave 15,616 kg at 3.95 percent fat and 3.08 percent protein (305 days) in her second lactation in the Wills brothers’ herd in Cornwall. She combines this production with an EX93 score for mammary.
The bull’s pedigree features a remarkable nine generations classified Excellent, while the bull himself is said to be exceptional in his own conformation.
“He’s a very stylish and correct young bull, with outstanding feet and legs and a hard top line,” said Hugh Pocock from Cogent. “His flat bone is particularly appealing amongst red and white breeders who are anxious to avoid the coarseness associated with some red and white bloodlines. We have a lot of interest from Ayrshire and Shorthorn herds, as well, of course, as Holsteins.”
Daughters are expected to perform well in the parlour as Razzle’s Pedigree Index features 690kg milk and combined fat and protein of over 44kg. His predicted Profitable Lifetime Index (PLI) is £122.
“Our young sires would normally be on lay-off after their semen has been distributed for progeny testing, but the appeal of this bull’s pedigree has been so extraordinary that we are sexing his semen at this early age in order to give our customers a far better chance of breeding some dairy replacements from this exceptional bull,” concluded Mr Pocock.
List price for sexed Red Razzle is £32; he is discounted to Visions (progeny test) participants and he is available to users of the whole herd HerdPlan XS scheme.
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