A brand new rodenticide promising farmers and growers faster, more cost-effective indoor rat and mouse control was unveiled by European rural hygiene leaders, BASF Pest Control Solutions at this year’s Dairy Event & Livestock Show.
Providing the proven power of single-feed anticoagulant, flocoumafen to the UK farming industry for the first time, Storm Secure delivers a lethal dose of rodenticide in a single feed for the fastest, most reliable action.
As well as being the most potent second generation anticoagulant rat killer available, flocoumafen is highly effective against mice and particularly valuable for controlling challenging infestations of either.
Storm Secure contains 0.005% flocoumafen in a waxed crushed grain bait block shown by extensive professional European experience to be highly palatable to both rats and mice. It combines this with great durability under even the most challenging warm and wet indoor environments.
“As a single feed rodenticide, Storm Secure is restricted to indoor use under UK law to protect non-target species,” pointed out BASF Pest Control Solutions head of sales, Martina Flynn at the Show. “So it should only be used tactically to complement outdoor baiting with mainstream multi-feed rodenticides where extra assistance is required.”
Storm Secure comes in 20g bait blocks, making it quick and easy to put out fresh bait in pre-measured doses and retrieve any unused rodenticide at the end of baiting. A central hole allows each block to be anchored securely in baiting points for the best targeting and to prevent removal and the risk of foodstuff contamination.
“Storm Secure costs more per kilo than multi-feed baits,” explained Martina Flynn. “However, its greater power means it can be employed in pulse baiting programmes that require markedly less bait and fewer visits than traditional regimes. So it can give worthwhile savings in both the amount of bait needed and the time required for baiting while providing valuable support to even the best all-round Neosorexa Gold farm treatment programmes.”
BASF Pest Control Solutions has produced a comprehensive user guide for farmers wishing to make the most of Storm Secure while safeguarding non-target species as effectively as possible. User training and support is also available via distributors across the country to ensure the safest and most cost-effective use of the new rodenticide.
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