Confidence was high at the Lleyn Sheep Society sale at Ballymena Livestock Market, on Saturday 11th September 2010, with plenty of atmosphere around the pens and sale ring.
Aubrey Bothwell in the ring with Champion yearlings
TJudging was undertaken by Michael Keegan of Co. Wicklow. He placed Aubrey Bothwell, Derryvree House, Maguiresbridge 1st with both the shearling ewes and ewe lambs. The shearling went on to realise £260 a head to Aiden McConville, Newry, Co Down, while the ewe lambs hit £190 selling to E Whittaker, The Hollow, Leighan, both top prices in their section.
Next to top with the shearlings was C & A Kennedy, Templepatrick Road, Ballyclare with £195 and £190 selling to G Broder, Ballylara, Ardrahan and RG Howe, Drumsroohill, Letterbreen. RJ Johnston, Magheraboy Hollow, Portrush sold two pens at £190 to Brain Ruane, Glenascaul, Oranmore.
Wendy Bothwell with champion ewe lambs
In the ewe lambs Aubrey Bothwell continued his high flying day with the next two top prices of £180 and £170 both selling to E Whittaker, The Hollow, Leighan. Messrs RE & I Edwards also saw a pen sell for £170 to W Tait, Mawbrin, Whitegate, Cork.
There was also demand for the rams with Seamus Killen, Killowen Road, Newry realising 800gns for is shearling rams to Barry Latimer, Scallen Road, Co Tyrone. Next to top was RE & I Edwards at 780gns to Michael Black. A & C Kennedy realised 750gns with the third prize ram. The first prize shearling ram from Roy Manson, Ballypalady Road, Doagh sold for 700gns to show judge Michael Keegan.
Shearling ewes to £260 average £161.13
Ewe lambs to £190 average £119.04
Shearling Rams to 800gns av £504
Aged Rams to 520gns av ££411.60
Top Prices:
Shearling Ewes
Aubrey Bothwell £260
A & C Kenndey £195
A & C Kennedy £190
RJ Johnston £190 x 2
Mrs Norah Johnston £185
Alex Hegan £185
A & C Kenndey £185
RE & I Edwards £185
Ewe Lambs
Aubrey Bothwell £190
Aubrey Bothwell £180
Aubrey Bothwell £170
RE & I Edwards £170
Aubrey Bothwell £160
RE & I Edwards £155 x 2
R & W Goligher £150
G & J Newall £145
Seamus Killen £145
Seamus Killen 800gns
RE & I Edwards 780gns
A & C Kennedy 750gns
Roy Manson 700gns x 2
Alex Hegan 700gns
Seamus Killen 620gns
RE & I Edwards 560gns
Michael Black 550gns
J Coulter 520gns
Show Results:
Aged Ram
1st Michael Black
2nd J Coulter
Shearling Ram
1st Roy Manson
2nd RE & I Edwards
3rd C & A Kennedy
Shearling Ewes
1st Aubrey Bothwell
2nd RJ Johnston
3rd Norah Johnston
Ewe Lambs
1st Aubrey Bothwell
2nd R & W Goligher
3rd Seamus Killen
Lleyn Ewes Sell to £202 at Ruthin
Hit the Spec Lamb Carcass Competition Winners Announced at Glendale Show
Traffic Flow a Priority at NSA Wales and Border Ram Sale