Black Angus Cattle Breeders Associations |
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Aberdeen-Angus Portugal |
Aberdeen-Angus Portugal was founded in March 2009, by 10 breed enthusiasts. Aberdeen-Angus genetics have been used for decades in Portugal, primarily for crossbreeding with dairy heifers, due to their easy calving trait. |
De Criadores De Angus Del Uruguay |
La historia del Aberdeen Angus en el Uruguay se inicia en el año 1888,
fecha en que Don Luis Mongrell introduce desde Inglaterra a “Bard Naughton”. |
Angus |
This Web
site is intended to be a platform for global information sharing
within the Angus family worldwide. There’s a lot to learn about
Angus herds and events in other countries, as well as marketing seedstock
abroad. This site may provide a link to such information. |
Angusyhdistys |
kasvattajat toimivat yhdessa Suomen Angusyhdistyksessa, jossa on
jasenia hieman yli sata ympari maamme. |
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