Blonde d'Aquitaine Cattle Associations & Registries |
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Blonde Society |
The Blonde
d'Aquitaine breed has been established in the UK for over 30 years
and continues to gain much respect from commercial farmers be they
suckler producers or dairy men. |
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BAQ-Denmark |
The breed
was introduced into Denmark in 1983. In the next couple of years,
heifers and some bull calves were bought in from France. A Few heifers
and Bulls were also imported from UK. Today , Denmark has about 1000
purebred cows. This gives a total number of Blondes of about 2500
head. |
Blonde d'Aquitaine |
Die Rasse
Blonde d' Aquitane (BA) hat ihre Wurzeln im Südwesten Frankreichs.
bildete sich aus drei hellhäutigen Rassen, die früher zur
Arbeit und Fleischproduktion
eingesetzt wurden. Seit 1962 sind sie zu einer reinen Fleischrasse
in einem Herd-
buch zusammengefasst. |
Blonde d'Aquitaine Association |
were first imported into Ontario in 1972 and the Association's initial
meeting was held in 1975 at Waterloo Ontario. |
Blonde d'Aquitaine Association |
Since the
breed was first introduced into Canada in the early 70s, Canadian
breeders have worked hard to bring the breed forward to the 21st
Century. |
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