Braunvieh Cattle Breeders |
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World population
of Braunvieh is over 7,000,000 head. Herdbooks are being kept by
breeders' associations in 42 countries. |
The first
importation occurred in 1907 and the Breed Society was formed in
1925 making it the second oldest Braunvieh Society in the world. |
130 head of Braunvieh were imported into USA from Switzerland between
1869 and 1880. |
In 1972 when
the import bans were lifted, many European breeds were introduced
including Braunvieh. Breeding records since 1975 using an Up-grading
program with Braunvieh semen over four crosses to Purebred resulted
in the first Purebred born in 1984. |
Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der österreichischen Braunviehzüchter
ist der Dachverband der 6 österreichischen Braunviehzuchtverbände.
Der ARGE - Braunvieh sind die Mitgliedsverbände Vorarlberg,
Tirol, Steiermark, Oberösterreich, Niederösterreich und
Kärnten mit insgesamt 7.255 Zuchtbetrieben und 71.371 Kühen
angeschlossen. |
Brown Swiss & Braunvieh Association |
The first
Brown Swiss in Canada were imported to the Eastern townships of Quebec
from the United States in 1888. |
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