Cheviot Sheep Breeders Societies and Associations |
The North Country Cheviot is a big, long rugged sheep which combines thriftiness and healthiness with prolificacy and strong maternal qualities. The breed is particularly suited to grassy hills and uplands. |
The modern
Cheviot breed has been produced by selection rather than by crossing.
It is therefore a pure breed - one of a very few in this country. The modern American Cheviot is primarily a mutton sheep. |
The Brecknock Hill Cheviot has developed from the Scottish Cheviot that was introducted into Brecknockshire during the latter part of the 19th Century. This new strain of Cheviot thrives on exposed hills because of it’s hardiness. |
faced sheep have run in the Scottish Borders for longer than records
can show and The Cheviot Sheep Society is one of the oldest sheep
societies in existence. |
Health Cheviots |
North Country
Cheviots with a high health status are now central to the radically
altered enterprise on a Cumbrian upland unit. |
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