Dexter Cattle Breeders Societies and Associations |
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North of England Dexters |
The North of England Dexter Group was founded in 1978 by a small team of enthusiasts who kept Dexter cattle and where based in North Yorkshire. The group now covers a much wider area running from members on the Scottish borders in the North down to Stafford in the South. |
Cattle Australia Inc. |
Dexters are
a true dual purpose breed of cattle, which originated in Ireland
and have a long history with records dating from the 18th century.
Dexters were first introduced into Australia in the 1880s and have
enjoyed an Australia-wide revival since the mid 1980s. |
Cattle Breeders' Society of South Africa |
Low maintenance,
easy handling, excellent meat quality, good milk production, mothering
ability and sheer beauty of the breed has swung many a farmer away
from the giants of cattle breeds to the small jewel that has crept
into the hearts of many an owner. |
Cattle Society |
The Dexter
originated in the South Western region of Ireland. Like the Kerry
they are descended from the predominately black cattle of the early
Celts. |
Canadian Dexter Cattle Association |
The Association
was formed in 1986 by a group of Ontario Dexter owners and now has
133 members across Canada and over 1260 animals registered in the
herd book. |
Dexter Cattle Association |
The American
Dexter Cattle breed is a descendant, from the original herd of Irish
Mountain Cattle assembled in Southwest Ireland in the early 1800's
by a Mr.Dexter. |
Dexter |
Het ras
is ontstaan in Ierland. De mini-koeien danken hun naam aan een zekere
heer Dexter. Deze man vestigde zich in 1750 in Ierland, dichtbij het
graafschap Kerry in het zuidwesten van het groene eiland. Hij gaf
de aanzet om het Dexter-ras te fokken. De eerste Dexters werden in
1882 geexporteerd naar Engeland. |
Dexter Verband Deutschland |
Um die für die Dexter Rinderrasse naturnahe und tiergerechte Form der Rinderhaltung richtig durchführen zu können, bedarf es eines speziellen Wissens um die Belange der Dexter. |
Dexter Cattle Association of North America |
Here you
can find pedigrees for Dexter cattle registered with the Purebred
Dexter Cattle Association of North America (PDCA) as
well as information about their breeders and owners. |
Eagleridge Dexters |
uk |
North Yorkshire |
Wagra Dexter |
au |
Victoria |
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