Sheep Breeders Societies and Associations |
The first Dorpers into the UK were imported in 2004 by Mrs Bernadette Dowling, followed by various imports of Embryos mainly from New Zealand. The Dorper in the UK is a very young breed and no doubt will differ slightly in the future compared to its South African descendants. |
was conceived in October of 1996 when the first U.S. Dorper event
was staged in Cameron, Texas with attendees from Mexico, Canada,
South Africa and several regions of the United States. |
The Dorper
breed is now numerically the second largest breed in South Africa
and has spread to many countries throughout the world. |
were imported into North America in the mid 1990s. The Dorper and
White Dorper are maintained as separate breeds, but they only differ
in color. |
The Dorper
sheep is a hardy, fertile, fast-growing meat breed, ideally suited
to Australian conditions. |
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