French Cattle Breeders Societies and Associations |
France Blonde
d'Aquitaine |
de Sélection agréé en charge de la sélection, de la promotion, du
dévéloppement et de l'organisation et l'animation des concours de
la race Blonde d'Aquitaine. |
des éleveurs Français de bovins Hereford. |
Genetic Service is the french national organization for the Limousin
cattle breeders. It is composed of 17 Limousin breeders societies. |
The Limousin
Cattle and Meat Group is an agricultural cooperative gathering 700
stockbreeders of Limousin cattle. |
The U.P.R.A.
Maine-Anjou (promotion and improvement of the Maine-Anjou breed)
is an organization of farmers specialized in selecting the Maine-Anjou
breed and farmers of the insemination cooperative as well as users,
distributors, transformers, etc... |
The O.S. Montbéliarde is the Organisation for the Selection of the Montbéliarde Breed. The Montbéliarde breed makes
up almost the whole of the bovine population of the Franche-Comté region.
It is also well-established in the whole of the east, the south-east
and the centre of France. |
Crée le
23 juin 1992 à Aurillac, le Groupe Salers Evolution (anciennement
UPRA Salers) est reconnu par le Ministère de l' Agriculture comme
Organisme de Sélection (OS). |
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