Hereford Cattle Societies and Associations |
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Deutscher Herefordzüchter |
Der Bundesverband
Deutscher Herefordzüchter ist ein Zusammenschluss deutscher
Rinderzuchtbetriebe, die sich
in ihrer Arbeit auf die extensive Freilandhaltung von HEREFORD-Rindern
konzentrieren. |
Hereford Breeders' Society |
The Hereford
was introduced to South Africa during 1892 with the importation of
2 bulls from England. |
Hereford Association |
came to the United States in 1817 when the great statesman Henry
Clay of Kentucky made the first importation -- a bull and two females. |
Argentina Criadores de Hereford |
The Hereford
Herdbook, for the recording of the breeding and parentage details
of the stock was "opened" in England in 1846. |
information about Certified Hereford Beef (CHB), a listing of officers
and members, and a Calendar of Events. |
The Dutch Hereford Society was founded in 1993. The association currently has over 130 members and the membership is still growing. |
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