Jersey Cattle
Breeders Associations, Societies and Clubs |
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organisation composed of national Jersey organisations, individuals
and other organisations working co-operatively to improve the profitability
of the Jersey cow. |
New Zealand has the largest population of Jerseys in the world with some 800,000 Jerseys of all ages. At June 2005 there are 580,000 milking Jersey cows in the national herd of 3.9 million milking cows (15%). |
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The Jersey Cattle Society of the UK works to maintain the purity and improve the genetic merit and profitability of the Jersey breed in the UK for our members and breeders, whilst promoting the value and quality of the second largest dairy breed in the UK. |
The first
record of Jerseys in Canada dates from 1868, when a Mr. Harrison
Stephens imported from England a small herd of fifteen cows and two
bulls for his son, Sheldon Stephens. |
It is generally accepted that the first Jerseys were imported by Mr. Adrian van der Byl of Roodebloem Estate, Woodstock, Cape, from Jersey Island, in the early 1880’s. |
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