South African Cattle Associations
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The history of Afrikaner cattle in South Africa is an interesting one and is closely associated with the history of the country’s people. These typical Box indicus animals, the most important of our indigenous breeds, were the first cattle encountered by Jan van Riebeeck shortly after he had arrived at the Cape. |
African Angus |
The first
importation of Angus into South Africa was in 1895. Angus cattle
and breeders are dispersed widely all over South Africa. |
James Rawbone
of Somerset West imported the first Ayrshires to South Africa in
1890. Since then the breed has established itself as one of the important
dairy breeds in the country. |
Beefmaster Cattle Breeders' Society |
The Beefmaster
breed has shown an enormous growth in South Africa. Currently, the
Breeders' Society has 170 members with 25,000 recorded breeding animals. |
Bonsmara Cattle Breeders' Society |
The Society
was founded in 1964 and within 20 years has become the biggest of
all beef and dual purpose breeds in South Africa. Today Bonsmaras
are found throughout South Africa under all possible grazing and
climatical conditions. |
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