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Stackyard News Sep 06

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    Beef Snapshot Puts Farms On Target

A QUICK and easy way to help beef producers identify areas for improvement in their beef enterprises has been launched by the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX).


Beef Snapshot, unveiled at the Beef and Growing Cattle show in Hatherleigh, Devon, is a fast and accurate way of assessing key performance areas against industry standards.

From information supplied, performance indicators are given as a traffic light colour highlighting underperformance (red), on target (green) and scope for improvement (amber).

Beef Snapshot has been devised in partnership with the Red Meat Industry Forum (RMIF) as part of the new EBLEX Beef Better Returns Programme (BRP).

EBLEX Beef BRP Project manager Netta de la Cour said, "Beef Snapshot is a scaled down version of RMIF's comprehensive farm benchmarking system. It uses a small number of key measures which most people will readily know, to highlight where costs are on or off target".

A sheep enterprise version for both upland and lowland producers is being trialled and will be launched later in the Autumn.

Further information on Beef Snapshot and the EBLEX Beef Better Returns Programme is available on 0871 241 8829.

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link Beefy and Lamby Back Into Bat
link EBLEX Offers Top Advice At Dairy Event

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