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Stackyard News Oct 06

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Airton success at Skipton Swaledale rams show

Bold, hardy Swaledale rams from the hills of the Yorkshire Dales and further afield took their turn in the show ring at the annual evening show and sale at Craven Cattle Marts’ Skipton Auction Mart. (Mon, Oct 9)

David Hargreaves with his Skipton Swaledale ram champion.
David Hargreaves with his Skipton Swaledale ram champion.

A two-shear ram from David Hargreaves, of The Croft, Airton, was the cream of the crop, being awarded the Robert Young Perpetual Challenge Trophy as champion and the Stephen HK Butcher Trophy as class winner.

By a West Stonesdale tup out of an ewe from John Bradley, of Litton, the title winner, whose father was shared as a ram by David and fellow Dales farmer Matt Mason, of Appletreewick, sold for 500 guineas to show judge George Wainwright, of Bamford in Derbyshire.

Mr Wainwright also bought the first prize shearling and reserve champion for the sale-topping price of 1,000 guineas. It was exhibited by Roy Nelson, of C Nelson & Sons, Bordley, who was awarded the M&K Spensley Trophy.

The second prize aged ram from Debbie Robinson, of Litton, made 600 guineas when bought by Brian Woodsworth, of Bolton Abbey, with the fourth in class from JW Stockdale & Sons, of Burnsall, purchased for 550 guineas by Dennis Gott, of Cowling. Anthony Hall, of Greenhow, also sold a ram for 450 guineas to MIR Heseltine, of Summerbridge.

link Defending champions rule at Skipton gimmer lambs show
link Suffolks open flock book
link Ayrshire domination at Skipton Blue Texel show

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