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Stackyard News Nov 06

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    Beef and Lamb Prices Rise as Exports Boom

RISING foreign demand for beef and lamb has resulted in higher livestock prices at home according to the latest Market Outlooks from MLC Economics.


But the production of both beef and lamb is forecast to fall next year due to continued contraction in the numbers of animals on farm.

The latest Sheep Market Outlook shows a three per cent drop in the number of sheep across the UK but increased demand for our lamb and mutton on export markets, especially in France where exports rose by six per cent in the eight months to August this year.

Overall, exports rose by 11 per cent while by October 21 the latest price of 103p per kg liveweight was up 5p on the same week last year.

The latest Cattle Market Outlook shows total beef production is expected to be up 15 per cent this year and export demand to have grown since the lifting of the export ban earlier this year.

link Royal Boost For British Beef
link Pedigree Boost for British Lamb
link Promoting English Beef and Lamb with Gusto

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