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Stackyard News Dec 06

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    Roast Rage Hotline Fights Festive Fraud

THE murkier side of Christmas has been revealed in a survey carried out by the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX).

roast turkey

One in ten Christmas cooks openly admit to having committed Festive Fraud by passing off pre-prepared food as their own.

The shock survey shows:

 • 40 per cent of fakers pass off pre-cooked meat as their own

 •55 per cent admit using pre-prepared vegetables and

• A massive 80 per cent claim a bought-in pud is their own.

Now EBLEX has committed itself to fighting this heinous offence by launching a 24-hour Roast Rage freephone hotline manned by a team of professional chefs and offering round-the clock advice and tips on cooking the Christmas meal.

And to help in the ideas department as well a range of gourmet Christmas recipes have been put on the Roast Rage website at

Brand Manager for EBLEX, Jane Ritchie-Smith, said: “We have made it our Christmas mission to fight Festive Fraud and make Christmas cooking a pleasure instead of an ordeal.”

The Roast Rage hotline is: 0800 345 7205. Keep it by you – just in case!

link Deck The Halls With.......EBLEX
link Disastrous Profit and Loss Evidence for Beef Farmers
link Real Cost Of Cattle And Sheep Production Revealed

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