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Stackyard News Aug 07

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New Fullwood Milking Parlour Design Offers Hygiene Boost

A NEW, all-enclosed design that transforms the look of the traditional milking parlour and improves its clean-ability, in an age when dairy farms are under increasing hygienic scrutiny, is being launched as an optional extra on new models of Fullwood herringbone and rapid exit parlours.

Sliding doors in Fullwood's new enclosed parlour design allow easy access to covered equipment beneath each milking station for maintenance or collection of milk samples.

fullwood herringbone parlour

Named the Cleanline the new design - which brings a streamlined new look to parlours while enclosing essential milking equipment behind specially-constructed housing - comprises washable stainless steel cabinet work enclosing milk meters, pulsators and pipework beneath the cow platform, together with similar stainless steel enclosures surrounding overhead milking station consoles above the kick rail.

Fundamentally, it transforms the whole look of the parlour into a much neater, cleaner and sleeker working environment, Fullwood marketing manager, Adele Riley, points out.

“Apart from giving the milking parlour a much more modern and streamlined appearance, importantly, the Cleanline has been developed to protect the key operating parts of the parlour against soiling and contamination,” Ms Riley says.

“In this way it has the potential to save on labour, by providing easier-to-clean flatter surfaces for wash down.

“Essentially, it helps make the parlour a much cleaner working environment, in line with the food production facility that a modern parlour should be.”

While the new design helps protect milking equipment during normal use, sliding doors in the cabinets beneath each milking station allow easy access to equipment for maintenance or taking milk samples, Ms Riley points out.

“Looking forward, it is increasingly important that dairy farming presents a clean, hygienic industry.

“With everything boxed in behind stainless steel, it is an extremely neat looking system,” she adds.

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