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Stackyard News Sep 07

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NFU Scotland to Pursue Legal Action Against Defra

NFU Scotland yesterday confirmed that it has taken legal advice with a view to pursuing Defra to recover losses incurred by NFUS members as a result of Foot and Mouth restrictions.

Jim McLaren, NFU Scotland President

Jim McLaren, NFU Scotland President

Reacting to the continued intransigence of Defra on the combined issues of a proposed welfare cull scheme and calls for a temporary relaxation of driver hours regulations, NFU Scotland, along with a range of other stakeholders, has also written a letter to Richard Lochhead MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment, pressing for the resolution of these two issues.

Jim McLaren, NFU Scotland President, said:

“Our members are justified in asking how we are going to bring those to blame for this outbreak to book.

“We therefore made a public promise to our members last week that no stone would be left unturned when it came to seeking compensation for losses incurred as a result of Foot and Mouth disease and the subsequent movement restrictions and export suspension. We are determined to ensure that all of our members whose businesses have suffered are adequately compensated.

“Sheep on the hill have run out of grazing, dairy calves are having to be shot because they cannot be exported and the welfare of both animals and farmers is now under serious threat. I will not sit back and let those who caused the disease to be released, escape from justice themselves. Our members deserve more than that and I am determined that they will get it.”

link NFUS to Host Introduction to SRDP 2007-2013 Meeting
link Some Relief As Animals Allowed To Move Within Farms
link NFU Scotland Emphasises Need to Control Bluetongue


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NFU Scotland