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Stackyard News Sep 08

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Appoints Brand Development Manager 17/09/08

The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society is pleased to announce the appointment of Chrissie Lawrence as Brand Development Manger for the Society.

Chrissie Lawrence

Chrissie Lawrence

This is a new role created to enhance the Society’s current press, PR and marketing programme. Her responsibilities will include reporting from shows and sales across the UK and Ireland, maintaining and developing the Society’s website and working closely with both pedigree and commercial beef farmers to raise the profile of the Aberdeen-Angus breed.

She will also be responsible for identifying commercial and sponsorship opportunities for both the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society and Pedigree Cattle Services Ltd, the Society’s wholly owned subsidiary trading company to increase their brand awareness, market share and deliver an improved level of member services.

Chrissie joins the Society having worked for Farmers Weekly as their Deputy Livestock Editor and Stock and Sales Editor. In her time with Farmers Weekly she has been involved in the improvement of the livestock sales section to include a dedicated website for shows and sales content including live event coverage and has contributed greatly to the judging process and organisation of the Farmers Weekly Awards. Chrissie has also been involved with obtaining many sponsorship and media partner opportunities for the Farmers Weekly Group. She also has an excellent understanding of the red meat supply chain having spent time working for Southern Counties Fresh Foods, Langport, Somerset and she also has an in depth knowledge of the Aberdeen-Angus breed having shown cattle for Shadwell Estates, Suffolk, culminating in gaining the Interbreed Champion at the Royal Show 2005.

Working on a freelance basis, based in Kent, Chrissie will start with the Society on Monday 10th November and will be contactable on 07909 524 483 or 01233 813 510 from that date.

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Aberdeen-Angus  Cattle Society