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First New Australian Dairy Shorthorn Bloodlines in Four Decades

The first new Dairy Shorthorn bloodlines from Australia in four decades are now available from the breed’s UK society.

Redrama's maternal sister, Llandovery Rangers Verbena 2nd EC, left, and dam Andeline.

Redrama's maternal sister, Llandovery Rangers Verbena 2nd EC, left, and dam Andeline.

The semen is from the Illawarra bull, Redrama which the Shorthorn Society is calling the ‘Wizard of Oz’.

Illawarra cattle are derived from Shorthorn bloodlines and the last importation of a bull from Australia was in the 1960s.

Redrama has International Dairy Week champions on both sides of his pedigree. He is sired by LCVigorous whose maternal sister Llandovery Rangers Verbena 2nd EC was champion cow at IDW in 2006 and 2007. She gave 10,516 litres at 4 per cent butterfat and 3.3 protein in 305 days.

His dam is the impressive Andeline crowned reserve champion cow at IDW 07 and champion cow and Brisbane Royal in 2005 and interbreed champion cow at Brisbane in 2006. She gave 9,256 litres of milk at 4.5 butterfat 3.2 protein. His maternal sister was also champion at Brisbane in 2006.

"Redrama brings new bloodlines into the UK and gives breeders the opportunity to take advantage of this very dairy type of Shorthorn which has many desirable Shorthorn attributes as well as good milk yields.

“It is also an ideal cross for black and white breeders looking to improve robustness in their cattle without sacrificing dairyness," said Shorthorn society secretary Frank Milnes.

The semen, from Agri-Gene, in Wangaratta, Victoria, is available through the Shorthorn Society at Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire.

link Northern Ireland Charolais Females Peak at 3,500gns
link British Charolais Shipped to Australia
link British Beef Cattle Genetics Shipped to Australia and Germany

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Dairy Shorthorn