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Stackyard News Jun 2010

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Raising the Perfect British Lamb

Prior to this year’s Glendale Show, The Glendale Agriculture Society is hosting a unique one off farming competition – to present the perfect batch of Northumberland lamb carcasses. Held in conjunction with Woodhead Brothers and Border Livestock Exchange Ltd, this innovative event underlines the society’s continuing commitment to preserving and promoting rural skills.

James Logan and John Guiry

Image of James Logan and John Guiry

For nearly 120 years farmers from Northumberland and the Borders have been bringing their best stock to the Glendale Show to compete in front of the most eminent judges in the Sheep Industry. The competition has always been of the highest calibre because this region produces some of the best sheep in the country. The whole purpose of Showing Sheep is so that the industry can strive to improve and be fit for purpose, producing the best prime lambs possible. The show directors felt the showing concept would be enhanced if producers were able to pitch their skills at drawing prime lambs in a competition that awards a prize to the farmer who excels in achieving the best results.

John Guiry, GAS Chief Livestock Steward comments: “Hopefully this competition will allow people who show stock on the actual show day to also take part in this event. The emphasis of the competition is on the selection of lambs as opposed to who has the best lambs so we do very much hope that people will put their stock forward.”

Border Livestock Exchange Ltd is sponsoring the competition with a prize of £500 for the farmer who can consign a batch of 10 lambs that are 19kg R3Ls or better. Lambs will be graded at Woodhead’s Turrif Abattoir. Points will be gained for carcasses that grade better than R3L and deducted for weights above and below 19kg.

James Logan a Director of Border Livestock Exchange said “I have felt for sometime that a competition that reflects the commercial skills of farmers of Glendale and its surrounding areas, would be very beneficial. So in conjunction with Woodhead Bros we have conceived this contest to encourage and reward producers who consistently produce the best prime lambs at the specifications required by today’s discerning buyers.”

This is reiterated by Paul Barker – Livestock Manager at Woodhead Bros: “We purchase a substantial amount of livestock from The Glendale area and this is an excellent way to highlight Morrison’s needs as a supermarket from the farmer. We do hope that many of the farmers in the area will utilise their skills and put their stock forward to enter this competition.”

From the beginning of the lamb season until 25th August producers are invited to enter lambs with Border Livestock who will organise the consignments to Woodhead Bros at Turrif. The competition is open to all members and non-members of the Glendale Agricultural Society. Details of the competition can be found on the Glendale Show office on Tel. 01668 283868 or by visiting their website or Border Livestock’s site

link Cumbria Young Farmers Club Yomp
link Butcher’s Lamb Classes Added to East of England Winter Stock Festival
link 2010 Children’s Countryside Day

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Glendale Agricultural Society

Border Livestock Exchange Ltd