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Stackyard News Oct 2010

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Hitchen on High at Skipton Calf Show

There was another new rearing calves champion at Skipton Auction Mart when the title at the October show fell to Calderdale dairy farmer Stephen Hitchen, of Ing Head, Ludendenfoot, Halifax, with a Limousin bull calf. (Mon, Oct 25)

Getting to know you - David and Julie Asquith
with their newly acquired Skipton rearing calves champion.

Getting to know you - David and Julie Asquith with their newly acquired Skipton rearing calves champion.

The victor was bought for £250 by husband and wife David and Julie Asquith, of Riverside Farm, Otley. The couple’s main line of work is running their own business, Chevin Landscapes, though their agricultural interests have blossomed and they now keep around 70 calves, which are reared to store age, before being sold on.

Julie, whose parents and grandparents were farmers in Wharfedale, will take charge of bringing on their new Skipton champion.

A Sowray & Son, of Bishop Thornton, Harrogate, again presented the reserve champion, a British Blue bull calf, which headed the show prices at £290 to become Skipton-based Stanforth’s Butchers Calf of the Month, before joining Tony Binns at Clint, Harrogate.

The Sowrays also exhibited the third prize British Blue bull calf, the first prize British Blue heifer calf and the second prize Limousin bull calf.

With high entry numbers, coupled with a large attendance of buyers at the ringside, the fixture again proved its worth in supporting demand for premium quality calves across the region.

There was notably good trade for black and white bull calves. British Blue bull calves averaged £238 and heifers £212, with Limousin bull calves averaging £221 and heifers £183. The overall average selling price at the BOCM Pauls-sponsored show was £127.

link Moorhouse Milker Champ Again at Craven Dairy Auction
link History Repeats Itself at Skipton Dalesbred Ram Show
link Pedigree Charollais Females at Skipton

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