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Stackyard News Feb 2011

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No. 1 PLI and No.1 Type Jersey Sires Now Available Sexed

Griffens Governor the No.1 UK type sire and Sunset Canyon Anthems Allstar the No.1 UK PLI sire are now available sexed from Cogent Breeding Ltd.

Governor daughter - Diamond S Governor Joya

Diamond S Governor Joya

Griffens Governor is one of the hottest sires on the market and with his high type credentials (+2.3), offers farmers faster improvements in all type traits.

With a superb pedigree on both sides, he is sired by top type bull, Lester Sambo, and is out of phenomenal US National Champion Lloyn Judes Griffen EX94. This combination of US-Canadian breeding has resulted in a sire that transmits extreme style with exceptional udders (+1.9) and dairy strength (+2.1).

Health traits are also strong attributes that Governor conveys, improving fertility (+1.5), lifespan (+0.1) and PLI (£83).

Allstar daughter - Norse Star All Star VG84

Norse Star All Star VG84
Sunset Canyon Anthems Allstar, topping the UK PLI lists with £185, needs no introduction. Backed by seven generations of EX, Allstar is a superb production bull – providing 273kgs milk at 0.28% F and 0.07% P.

Longevity (+0.1), low somatic cells (-2) and type (+1.3) are also essential traits of Allstar.

Allstar’s breeder, Eric Silva, Sunset Canyon Jerseys said: "Sunset Canyon MBSB Anthem EX95, Allstar’s dam, was the second cow to produce more than 30,000 pounds (13,608kgs) of high component milk in a lactation."

The availability of sexed Governor and Allstar semen provides breeders with a unique opportunity where 90% heifer calves can be guaranteed by two outstanding breed leading bulls. Cogent’s UK Sales and Genetics Manager, Hugh Pocock said: "Both Governor and Allstar semen have been in extremely high demand and we anticipate that the demand for sexed semen will be even higher."

Griffens Governor and Sunset Canyon Anthems Allstar are both available at Cogent Breeding’s competitive pricing. Join the Jersey Visions Young Sire Programme today and receive substantial discounts. Contact your local Cogent Breeding Advisor for more details.

link Holstein Bulls Sell to 4,000gns at Moira
link Holstein Young Breeders President’s Medal Success for Craig
link Cogent Breeding Signs Agreement with World Wide Sires

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