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Stackyard News May 2011

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Tri-Day Ashlyn Grandson Now Available Sexed

Woodmarsh Asterix EX94, a grandson of breed legend Tri-Day Ashlyn EX96, is now available sexed from Cogent Breeding Ltd.

Oakroyal Asterix Papoose 14
Oakroyal Asterix Papoose 14

The jet black Picston Shottle son is from an EX91 Durham and offers both high type (+2.19 TM) and excellent fitness traits –11 cell count, +0.1 lifespan and +1.9 fertility index.

Despite a show winning pedigree, the British-born bull is well suited to all UK dairy systems, breeding deep, open-ribbed heifers with snugly attached wide udders that have incredible veination, texture and a strong central ligament.

Daughters’ rumps have a text-book slope from hook to pin, giving them an ideal leg set. With exceptional locomotion, they move freely and easily, which makes life easy – particularly when cows are being turned out to grass.

Granddam, Tri-Day Ashlyn EX96, was a world-class show cow who won many accolades including Supreme Champion at the World Dairy Expo and Royal Winter Fair in 2001. She was also voted the all time All-American four-year-old cow and the all time All-American three-year-old cow by the influential breed publication, Holstein International.

Dairy farmer David Vooght from Newton Abbot, milks 150 cows and is delighted with his black Asterix daughter: “She is a really smart sort with a superb udder. She held in-calf first time, is trouble-free and most definitely an improvement on her VG dam.

“Peaking at 38 litres, she is now giving a notable 32 litres and being so pleased, I have recently ordered more semen,” added David.

For more information contact your local Cogent Breeding Advisor or call FREEPHONE 0800 783 7258.

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