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Stackyard News May 2011

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Gold Chip Holstein Investment for Show-Winning Potential

Holstein breeders who aspire to produce the next great show winner will be encouraged to learn of a young bull which has just hit the UK market and has the potential to put them amongst the prizes.

Gold Chip dam - Regancrest S Chassity

Regancrest S Chassity

The bull is Mr Chassity Gold Chip, and he was the talk of the last World Dairy Expo in Madison, combining two of the most coveted cow families in North America. Bringing the USA’s Durham Barbies and Canada’s Gypsy Grands together – and with seven generations of Excellent cows in his pedigree - it is little surprise to see him top the North American rankings.

His Predicted Transmitting Ability for Type (PTAT) of +4.57 places him in number one position in the USA amongst all sires on the genomic list, and converts to a UK equivalent Type Merit of +3.41.

But his attributes are far broader, as he ranks in second position on genomic TPI (Total Performance Index) with an impressive +2450 points.

Although he’ll have enormous appeal as a breeders’ bull, his daughters can also be expected to perform on production. His milk PTA weighs in at 568kg at 19kg fat and 14.2kg protein, and his PLI (Profitable Lifetime Index) is an impressive £164, one of the best of the breed amongst the high type sires.

His breeding profile shows daughters will be tall, deep-bodied and open-ribbed with exceptional legs, feet and mammary conformation. With an impressive score of -26, their cell counts are expected to be very low; while lifespan index is correspondingly high.

Gold Chip’s sire is Goldwyn and his dam is the remarkable Shottle daughter and highly coveted bull mother, Regancrest S Chassity EX-92 EX-MS DOM, which sold for US$1.5 million as a package with several sons and daughters in the 2009 International Intrigue Sale.

The only full sister to Gold Chip is the number one genomic TPI Goldwyn daughter of the breed, at +2324, which sold for $205,000 in the 2010 Destination Vegas Sale.

“We are delighted that we’re able to offer one of the hottest bulls in the world to UK breeders,” says Alison Lovell of Dairy Daughters. “He is already being used as an international sire of sons, which reflects the confidence the breeding industry places in his genomic figures and the excitement that exists for the bloodlines in his pedigree.”

link Haffey’s Goldwyn Sara Claims Holstein Honours at Balmoral Show
link Open Day Confirms Strength of Worldwide Mating Service
link No.2 Goldwyn Son Hydaways Goldmine Now Available Sexed

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