Livestock farmers concerned about grass shortages this year still
have time to plug any potential forage gaps with alternative fodder
That's the message from British Seed Houses' Michael Shannon,
who says the relatively late spring and drought situation in many
regions of the country has left many farmers contemplating an early
opening of the silage pit.
"Save your silage for when you really need it," he says. "There's
still plenty of time to sow and profit from crops like stubble
turnips and forage rape that will eke out your grass later in the
Michael Shannon says that stubble turnips can be sown right up
until the middle of September. "For example, a crop of Vollenda
stubble turnips sown in early July can yield around 5 tonnes of
dry matter per hectare, which can easily finish 50 to 70 lambs
just when grass is falling away. And sowings in August/September
will deliver a feed crop between November and January when its
good winter hardiness ensures palatability is retained.
"What's more, varieties like Vollenda have excellent resistance
to bolting and diseases like clubroot and alternaria," he
"Catch cropping is advantageous for many farmers. In addition
to boosting field forage output, the deep rooting characteristics
of brassicas - as well as the residual green matter left by the
crop and the action of the grazing livestock - improves soil structure
and provides an even better base for your grass sward or cereal
crop next year," he says.
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