The growing demand for ‘easy-care’ Holsteins which also yield high percentages of fat and protein is reflected in a new sexed semen launch from Cogent.
Catshead Krista by Cogent Easter
Cogent Easter is said to be the ideal bull to meet the needs of the many Holstein breeders who feel the breed has become too extreme and wish to put robustness and strength back into their herds.
Easter’s production proof will further appeal to those seeking to raise milk quality, with Predicted Transmitting Abilities (PTAs) for fat at 0.04 percent and protein at an exceptionally high +0.09 percent. Profitable Lifetime Index (PLI) is £140.
Easter is a son of Cogent Courier, and out of an EX91 Mtoto daughter from the sought-after Lou Etta line.
His linear type profile shows daughters to be excellent for functional traits, without extremes in any area. They score highly for locomotion (+1.78) and are unusually high in the breed for condition score (+0.66), both making for long-living, trouble-free cows. This is reflected in his positive score for Lifespan at +0.2. Overall Type Merit is 1.9.
“We are extremely pleased with the Easter daughters we have seen, which closely reflect the bull’s linear profile and the bull’s own conformation,” says Hugh Pocock from Cogent. “The bull himself is strong, long and wide and the fact that he is jet black all over with four black feet is particularly unusual in the Holstein breed.
“We are aware that the demand for herd replacements with these qualities is increasing, so we’re delighted to be able to offer sexed semen from this bull – and the 90 percent chance that pregnancies will result in a heifer calf.”
List price for sexed Cogent Easter is £37; there are discounts for quantity and for Visions (progeny test) participants, and he is available to users of the whole herd HerdPlan XS scheme.
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