Galloway and Belted Galloway Cattle Breeders Societies and Associations |
The Galloway Cattle
of Great Britain and Ireland |
The Galloway is
one of the oldest and purest of the United Kingdom's native cattle breeds.
It originates from the South West of Scotland's famous areaof Galloway
hence its name. |
Galloway Association |
Association promotes and regulates the breeding of Galloways, Belted
Galloways and White Galloways as three separate breeds in three separate
sections of the same herd book. The first Galloway came to Canada
in 1853, and registration of these
began in 1872. |
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Cattle Society of New Zealand |
The Galloway
Cattle Society of New Zealand is an incorporated Society which aims
to promote the use of the Galloway breed within New Zealand and maintain
the integrity of the breed. |
Riggit Galloway Cattle Society |
The Riggit Galloway cattle are a well documented archaic strain of Galloway, easily identifiable by the white stripe, running down their spine. The main body colour can be black, blue/black, red, brown or dun. |
Galloway Society |
Die Swiss
Galloway Society folgt dem Ruf unserer Landwirtschaft nach innovativem
Denken und neuen Ideen, für die Bewirtschaftung von extensiv
nutzbarem Land, Grenzertragsböden und ökologischen Ausgleichsflächen. |
Harrison and Hetherington’s multi breed sale held at their mart in
Carlisle, Galloways were sought after and proved they were the only breed in
demand. |
Der BDG ist
die Interessenvertretung der Galloway-Züchter im gesamten Bundesgebiet.
Er ist ein eingetragener Verein und hat seinen Sitz in Bonn. Das
zentrale Ziel besteht in der Förderung der Galloway-Zucht sowie
in der Beratung und Unterstützung von Gallowayzüchtern
und -haltern in allen Fragen. |
Galloway Breeders Association |
In 1882,
during the Fat Stock Show in Chicago, Galloway breeders formed the
first Galloway registry in the United States. The Galloway is one
of the world's oldest beef breeds, the descendant of two distinct
aboriginal breeds of Scotland. |
Danish Galloway Society |
The first
galloway bulls were imported to Denmark in 1969 from Scotland for
crossing beefcattle. |
Galloway Association |
The Association
which registers and promotes Galloway, Belted Galloway and Miniature
Galloway and Miniature Belted Galloway Cattle. |
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