USA Cattle Societies and Associations
3 of 10 |
in 1924, the ABBA celebrates the American Brahman, the first beef
cattle breed developed in the United States. |
Brangus Breeders Association |
Brangus must be 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Angus, solid black, polled as
to conformation and breed character. |
Red Brangus Breeders Association |
The Red
Brangus is one of the fastest growing breeds in the tropical and
subtropical regions of the world including Africa and Australia. |
Association of America |
130 head of Braunvieh were imported into USA from Switzerland between
1869 and 1880. |
• |
World population
of Braunvieh is over 7,000,000 head. Herdbooks are being kept by
breeders' associations in 42 countries. |
Some authors
suggest British White Cattle were brought to the United Kingdom by
the Romans about 55 B.C. There is further evidence that British White
Cattle were in the United Kingdom in pre-Roman times; perhaps as
early as 4000 B.C. |
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