Helping agricultural machinery retailers give their customers
effective after-sales service and good advice on product choice
will be the focus of three new members of an expanded Landini tractor
team in Britain.
Martin Ingram -
Regional Sales
Manager for Scotland and the northern half of England
“As more farmers and contractors decide to use Landini tractors
for their grassland and arable operations, it’s important
that we bolster our sales and service team to ensure we give our
customers the support they expect,” says Adrian Winnett,
Landini UK’s national sales manager. “Our three new
team members will provide this support, drawing on a wealth of
practical experience with farm machinery.”
Martin Ingram has been appointed Regional Sales
Manager for Scotland and the northern half of England. From his
home in Inverness, his role will be to help Landini retail dealers
choose the right model and specification of tractor to meet the
needs of individual customers.
This is familiar territory for Martin, who gained an HND in Agriculture
at SAC Aberdeen before working with implement manufacturers Grays
of Fetterangus and Fraser Agricultural. He then took on the northern
sales manager’s role for livestock feeding equipment manufacturer
Redrock Engineering.
“I’ve been impressed with the Landini product in terms
of the range of tractors and features available,” he says. “From
the Powerfarm and Vision for stock and grassland farming to the
big six-cylinder Landpower and Powermaster models for contractors
and arable work, there’s something for every situation.”
Chris Hall will work as Product Support Manager
across the same geographical area. His focus will be on after-sales
support, helping dealers with any technical issues on Landini
tractors that farmers have purchased, as well as handling warranty
matters and spare parts sales.
He brings to the job many years of hands-on practical experience,
first with a large tractor and machinery dealer and more recently
as service manager for the DiFuria Group in Lincolnshire, which
specialises in farm tractor sales as well as railway and civil
engineering plant.
Chris lives at Epworth near Doncaster where Landini UK has its
headquarters offices.
John Darby is Landini UK’s new Product
Support Manager for Wales and the southern half of England. He
lives at Grantham in Lincolnshire.
Parts, warranty and after-sales technical issues will be his domain,
for which he will put his many years’ experience with International
Harvester, Case-IH and McCormick to good use.
Landini’s recently renewed tractor range is earning a reputation
for economical performance and dependable reliability, he points
out. But no tractor is perfect, so John’s troubleshooting
ability and access to the technical resources of the Landini factory
in Italy will be invaluable.
Together, the product support team will provide reassuring back-up
to dealer technicians specially trained in the routine servicing
and repair of Landini products.
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