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Stackyard News Jun 2010

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New Officals for the Galloway Cattle Society

Mr Andrew Brown from Drumhumphry, Castle Douglas has been appointed Chairman of the Galloway Cattle Society.

Left to right, New Treasurer - Mr Andrew McConchie, Past Chairman - Mr Jim Ross and New Chairman - Mr Drew Brown.

Galloway Society officials

Drew as he is better known, farms with his wife Betty on the upland farm which is in the heart of Galloway country, presently they have 24 Galloway cows, commercial cows and the famous Blueface Leicester Flock, they also have Blackface sheep.

Mr Brown paid tribute to Mr Jim Ross, Romesbeoch, Shawhead, Dumfries who had been Chairman for 8 years “Jim has worked tirelessly and effectively to make significant changes within the Society, from full time to part time Secretary, a turn around in the Society’s finance to show a £15000 surplus in 2009 and increased registrations doubling the amount since 2002”. Mr Brown went on to explain “We are indeed indebt to Jim for all his hard work, dedication and enthusiasm for the breed, which paid off last year when Jim’s cow was part of the interbreed, native and pairs championships at the 2009 Royal Highland Show”

Commenting on his appointment Mr Brown said, “ It is a great honour to be appointed Chairman of one of our oldest native breeds and I look forward to continuing the success of the Breed and the Society”

The Society also has a new treasurer, Mr Andrew McConchie, Mains of Penninghame, Newton Stewart, Kirkcudbrightshire.

Andrew and his wife Hilary farm just outside the picturesque of Newton Stewart, the farm, which has a total of 980acres ranges from arable to hill type pastures. At present there is a pure herd of 25 Galloways which run along side 210 head of suckler cows which is largely Saler, Galloway cross Salers and Saler cross Beef Shorthorns Cows.

Commenting of his appointment Mr McConchie said “I look forward to continuing the Society’s ongoing financial stability which my predecessors Mr Alastair Gourlay and Mr Robin McClelland establish and working with all the various Committees”.

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Galloway Cattle Society