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Dorset Holsteins Take New Top Spot in NMR Annual Report

F G Luther and Son’s Foxminster herd of pedigree Holsteins from Poole in Dorset has moved up 25 places into top spot in the latest NMR Annual Production Report. This herd, with 71 qualifying 305 day lactations, yielded 853kg of fat and protein and 11,771kg of milk.

Colin Luther, his wife Barbara,
son Stuart and daughter Jacqui Dooker
Colin Luther, his wife Barbara,  son Stuart and daughter Jacqui Dooker

In second place and just 1kg behind first place is the Higgin’s Wilderley Hall herd. Milked three times a day and with 195 cows, this herd had an average of 852kg of fat and protein but a higher milk yield of 12,726kg.

Third place remains with Henry Lewis of Tack Farms, Herefordshire. Also milked three times a day, this herd of 273 cows yielded 847kg of fat and protein and 12,180kg of milk.

Three herds are new to the top 1% list and have places in the top 10. In fifth place is Edward Thomas’ herd from Glamorgan with 423 cows. Milked three times a day, this herd yielded 833kg of fat and protein and 11,535kg of milk. In seventh place is Nick Cobb’s herd from Dorset. The 726 cows, milked three times a day, yielded 819kg of fat and protein and 11,817kg of milk. And in eight place is the Allsop’s herd from Shropshire with 814kg of fat and protein and 11,179kg of milk produced by 74 cows.

Top herds in other main dairy breeds

Moving from second to first place in the Shorthorn production listing is John Hayward’s herd from Nottinghamshire. The 41 cows gave 633kg of fat and protein and 8,409kg of milk.

In the Ayrshire breed Tinker and Sons Park Head herd is in top place for the second year running. The 170 cows have increased production by 28kg of fat and protein to 682kg with 9,024kg of milk.

Little change was recorded in the Jersey breed this year with the Mahon’s herd from Jersey still in first place. The 44 cows gave 736kg of fat and protein and 7,977kg of milk. And the Martel’s Guernsey herd from Guernsey also remains top of the breed with the 84 cows giving 721kg of fat and protein and 7,961kg of milk.

Cumbrian herd from Nerewater Farm moved into top place in the Friesian ranking . The 59 cows yielded 643kg of fat and protein and 8638kg of milk.

Top Holstein genetic rankings

Leading the Holstein genetic merit rankings for the third year running is Grosvenor Farms’ Hatton Heath herd. This herd has a PLI of £90. Sharing second place, with a PLI of £79 are two Devon herds owned by A G Ludwell and W H Ley.

All results are available to NMR customers on the NMR web site using an individual password available from NMR on 0844 7255567.

link Cumbrian Sale of Pedigree Holsteins - Mossrigg Herd
link Woodmarsh Asterix EX94 - Tri-Day Ashlyn Grandson Now Available Sexed
link Moira Holstein Trade Peaks at 2,160gns

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