The Tenant Farmers Association has negotiated a new business finance
scheme for its members in conjunction with BHF Finance which is
the trading name of The Hardware Federation Finance Co Ltd. It
will be launched to members at the Dairy Event, Stoneleigh (photo-call
on stand 512, cattle shed 1 at noon on Wednesday, 20th September).
Dairy Event
TFA Chief Executive, George Dunn, explained, "Tenant farmers
without owned land and houses as collateral can find it difficult
to secure loans. I am delighted to be able to launch the TFA Business
Finance Scheme to our members; especially now when finances have
been stretched, often beyond the limit, due to late Single Payments.
The Scheme can be tailored to the needs of tenant farmers. As a
trade association-owned finance company I believe BHF understands
the needs and aspirations of members approaching their association
for finance."
The TFA Business Finance Scheme is primarily suited for fixed
asset capital finance but can be interpreted in many ways - machinery,
tractors and other vehicles, equipment, alarm and security systems,
fixtures and fittings. Personal loans are also available for many
purposes, like furniture or home improvements but it is not designed
for purchase of land and buildings. Rates will vary with market
conditions but once fixed remain unaltered during the lifetime
of the agreement - an important aid to easier cash flow management.
Balloon payments are available on motor vehicles. Members can settle
at any stage of the agreement without penalty. Leasing schemes
are available for most capital goods.
Mr Dunn and BHF directors will be pleased to meet members at the
Dairy Event to discuss the new TFA Business Finance Scheme. Mr
Dunn said, "I have written to all TFA members to introduce
the Scheme. To find out more, members should telephone TFA Membership
Coordinator, Clare Cox, at Head Office on 0118-9306130 or by e-mail
to clare@tenant-farmers.org.uk."
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