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Jan 05 |
The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 60 prime cattle,
0 young bulls, 2 OTM cattle, 4,882 prime lambs and 3,488 cast ewes & rams
at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 27th December, 2007.
NFU Scotland has reiterated its call that no animals should be imported from
bluetongue infected areas following the announcement by Defra that a second case
of imported disease has been identified in a week.
Trouw Nutrition has developed a new silage corrector product to help livestock
producers counter some of the rumen problems associated with this season’s
poor quality forages.
The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 73 prime cattle,
2 OTM cattle, 4,510 prime lambs and 2,791 cast ewes & rams at their weekly
sale at Longtown on Thursday 20th December, 2007.
The ability to milk over 300 cows an hour is the result of a new milking plant
installation at Grove Dairy Farm in Castlederg, Ireland.
John Deere’s new 6030 Series range of mid-specification tractors can be
seen in England for the first time on January’s New Horizon Tour.
The Tenant Farmers Association’s National Chairman, Reg Haydon, has called
for all involved with farming including government, landlords, suppliers and
retailers to allow 2008 to provide an opportunity for the farming industry to
regroup after the disasters of 2007.
A highly successful 2007 Craven Dairy Auction season concluded with a December
championship win for the Abbeyhouse herd of Jennings Farmers Ltd.
Eight leading Scottish agricultural distributors had the opportunity to see and
hear about the latest forage grass breeding developments on a recent visit to
the AFBI breeding station at Loughgall in Northern Ireland.
Find out the nutritional value of your silage, and make sure other feeds supply
enough energy and protein to all the different groups of beef cattle on your
farm this winter.
Beef producers are losing as much as £12.5 million a year by marketing
cattle with excess fat.
Helping rural businesses in the North East think more commercially is the aim
of new legal practice.
Sheep farmers can break free from the footrot cycle by implementing a whole-flock
control programme of vaccination thanks to new supplies of a footrot vaccine.
David Grant of Gelston, Castle Douglas succeeds Neil Caul as chairman, while
the new vice chairman is Jim Milne, of Lhanbryde, Elgin. Alison Gray, of Arbroath
continues as secretary.
Beef and sheep producers must make sure they secure any certification necessary
for drivers and vehicle attendants under the new 2007 EU animal transport regulations
by the end of April 2008.
The Tenant Farmers Association has slammed proposals aimed at reducing the amount
of nitrate in drinking and ground waters, outlined in a DEFRA consultation document.
The RSPB has joined forces with BBC Countryfile magazine to launch a new competition
to highlight the work that farmers are doing for wildlife.
Greater focus on longevity, udder health and profitability in Holstein UK’s
new Type Merit rankings will make future bull proofs more relevant and beneficial
to modern commercial dairy farmers.
Nearly 50 farmers and professionals from the rural community attended the launch
of the most recently established Monitor Farm project in the Lothian and Border
region; Woodhead Farm, near Gifford, East Lothian.
The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 85 prime cattle,
7 young bulls, 14 OTM cattle, 4,526 prime lambs and 5,710 cast ewes & rams
at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 13th December, 2007.
Sandy Ramsay, has been appointed Group Manager of SAC Farm Business Services,
that is the arm of SAC that provides business and technical consultancy services
to Farmers through Scotland.
The general picture reported by NADIS veterinary surgeons for pig farms in November
suggested that herds are starting to come out of problems imposed by movement
restrictions due to FMD.
An incredible price of £840 for a single Mule wether lamb was achieved
at a charity auction at Skipton Auction Mart – mind you, it was bought
and sold no less than four times!
The Scottish Government and the Welsh Assembly should initiate an urgent public
debate with its livestock farmers so that the pros and cons of a vaccine policy
against bluetongue are fully examined.
Climate change is a major challenge to world food security and will increase
hunger and malnutrition unless immediate action is taken.
Temperatures in southern England are rising at an alarming rate and are set to
reach a figure which is double the target laid down by the Kyoto agreement – according
to the CLA, the rural economy experts.
NFU Scotland members are donating Christmas Brussels sprouts to two nursing homes,
to spread good will and highlight the quality of Scottish food and drink over
the Christmas period.
Dairy farmers Trevor and John Whitfield are already reaping the rewards of farm
health planning under a new initiative.
The National Beef Association's response to the launch of the long anticipated
consultation on a new English approach to disease management.
Back to British, back to breeding, back to making money is the theme of the British
Cattle Conference from 21st to 23rd January 2008, at Hawkestone Park, near Shrewsbury.
Defra minister Lord Rooker will deliver the keynote speech at the Meat and Livestock
Commission's highly regarded Outlook Conference.
The government made an announcement yesterday about a major expansion of off
shore wind power. Mark Newton wind farm expert from Fisher German chartered surveyors
Fisher German, telecommunication experts have been investigating recent announcements
by operators of their intentions to share network sites and the implications
this may have for land and property owners.
NFUS has reacted with relief to the Scottish Government’s news that the
much-anticipated ewe-headage payment will be arriving in farmers’ bank
accounts within the next few days.
NFU Scotland President, Jim McLaren, has written to Mariann Fischer Boel, the
EU’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Commissioner, concerning crucial Less
Favoured Area (LFA) payments for Scottish farmers.
Exceptional new winter oilseed rape, Catana was added to the HGCA Recommended
List this week to provide growers across the country with a novel balance of
variety characteristics.
Well it has finally happened. Certain London fund managers were predicting it
and farmers were hoping it would happen. Agricultural commodities have been on
a world class roller coaster this year, that’s for sure.
The addition of exciting new milling wheat, Marksman to the HGCA Recommended
List this week (Dec 6) offers UK growers the opportunity to capitalise on the
quality market at least production risk.
After a year of adverse weather conditions, bio-security scares and rising milk
prices, UK dairy farmers will welcome foresight on how global trends are likely
to play out in the year ahead.
The benefits of standardising on New Holland T6000 and T7000 tractors have enabled
leading Scottish farmer and contractor David Carnegie to run his business more
England’s wildlife and landscape received a boost this week with news from
Defra that the European Union’s Rural Development Committee has agreed
the Rural Development Programme for England 2007-2013.
The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 81 prime cattle,
1 young bulls, 31 OTM, 5,434 prime lambs and 6,338 cast ewes & rams at their
weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 6th December, 2007.
Both the champion and reserve champion prime cattle, along with the championship-winning
prime lambs, were knocked down to the same buyer at the annual Christmas shows
and sales at Skipton Auction Mart.
An initiative to help train novices in the art of ploughing – and maybe
discover future competition ploughing champions – is being supported by
Landini through the loan of a new tractor.
A strong, in-depth shearling gimmer class caught the eye at the Northern Area
Texel Sheep Breeders’ 15th annual winter sale of pedigree females at Skipton
Auction Mart.
Agricultural engineer Stephen Haylock has bought a piece of tractor manufacturing
history with his auction-winning bid for the last McCormick CX tractor to be
built at the company’s Doncaster assembly plant.
Christmas - a time of goodwill to all when stress levels go through the roof
as everybody tries to cope.
The Mill Brow herd of Limousin cattle owned by G & P Long of Ambleside, Cumbria,
has been recognised by EBLEX (English Beef and Lamb Executive) and Farmers Guardian
as the Most Improved Herd of Limousins 2006/07.
NFU Scotland has described the news that the European Commission has demanded
the imposition of costly new Nitrate Vulnerable Zone regulations on farmers as
a devastating blow. |
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